Photo Mosaic, Part IV:
Video clip version - unleash the "turtles"

You may well ask what have turtles to do with photo mosaics. As you might suspect, I'm not alluding to amphibean reptiles, but rather the control paradigm used by the Logo programming language and its turtle graphics. As with Logo, my turtles also have orientation and position. However, instead of using a pen to draw vector graphics, mine overlay photo mosaic tiles.

The motivation behind this unusual approach takes a bit of explaining. It crossed my mind that it might be interesting to make a video clip of the photo mosaic process as generated by the "img2photomosaic" script. At first blush, I would simply need to save the mosaic after each tile has been overlaid. Think of it as taking snapshots of the intermediate stages. But that means that there would be as many snapshot files and, hence, video frames as there are tiles. For the images I've been working with, this implies 30 to 40,000 frames, each between 2 and 3 Mbytes. Even considering any possible frame optimization, the resulting videos would be huge. To surmount the problem, one obvious solution is to scale down each frame. Experience shows that scaling indeed reduces the video size but this causes two new problems. First, the tiles themselves are so small that it makes it hard to appreciate what's going on. Also, the video is a tad boring as it takes a while before the tiny tiling process starts to make the process interesting. I could instead take snapshots after a certain number of tiles have been overlaid. Though it would drastically cut down the number of frames, the resulting video would certainly appear very jerky. So it occurred to me that a way of salvaging the project would be to have multiple, concurrent tile-overlaying processes. Instead of the single, bottom to top, left to right process, start many similar processes at various locations. Of course, the crux of the problem now becomes how to orchestrate all these processes. Upon considering some sort of recursive version of "img2photomosaic", difficult control issues quickly emerged. It just wasn't clear to me how they could be resolved in a simple manner. So I opted instead to unleash a bale of turtles on the task!

Let's begin by exploring how to make a virtual turtle move around a checkerboard so as to visit every square. Each square has a row and column coordinate, in the range 0 to 7. The board's origin is located at the top left corner square, with the x-coordinate running horizontally and the y one vertically. A turtle is a hash with heading and coordinate values. So, with north pointing towards decreasing y-values, we then have the following Perl statement for a turtle placed at the origin with a southern heading:

my %Turtle = ( HEADING => 'S',
               X       => 0,
               Y       => 0

Next we need to establish rules governing the turle's movements. If no board edge (boundary) ahead or the adjacent square ahead has not been visited (i.e., no tracks present), move into the square. Otherwise, turn left in the current square and try again. However, if the turtle spins around completely, halt. This last condition is readily checked by counting the number of consecutive turns and stopping after four. This pseudocode can be implemented as follows:

my @Tracks;                                                  #array for recording turtle's locations
my $No_Consecutive_Turns;                                    #number of consecutive left turns by turtle
$Tracks[$Turtle{X}][$Turtle{Y}] = 1;                         #record turtle's initial location
until( $No_Consecutive_Turns == 4 ) {                        #repeat
    if( &noTracksAhead() and &noBoundaryAhead() ) {          # if next step forward is permitted
        &stepForward();                                      #  move forward one step
    } else {                                                 # else
        &turnLeft();                                         #  turn left
    }                                                        # end if-else
}                                                            #until complete spin around

Finally, we just need the four subroutines that carry out the checks and movements:

my $No_Rows = 8;
my $No_Cols = 8;
sub noTracksAhead {
    if   ( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { return !$Tracks[$Turtle{X}][$Turtle{Y}+1]; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { return !$Tracks[$Turtle{X}][$Turtle{Y}-1]; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { return !$Tracks[$Turtle{X}+1][$Turtle{Y}]; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { return !$Tracks[$Turtle{X}-1][$Turtle{Y}]; }
sub noBoundaryAhead {
    if   ( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { return $Turtle{Y} + 1 <  $No_Rows; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { return $Turtle{Y} - 1 >= 0;        }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { return $Turtle{X} + 1 <  $No_Cols; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { return $Turtle{X} - 1 >= 0;        }
sub stepForward {
    if   ( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { ++$Turtle{Y}; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { --$Turtle{Y}; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { ++$Turtle{X}; }
    elsif( $Turtle{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { --$Turtle{X}; }
    $Tracks[$Turtle{X}][$Turtle{Y}] = 1;                                                    # update turtle's accessed locations
    $No_Consecutive_Turns           = 0;                                                    # reset the turn count
sub turnLeft {
    $Turtle{HEADING} =~ tr/NSEW/WENS/;                                                      # set new heading
    ++$No_Consecutive_Turns;                                                                # increment the turn count

Of course, other rules can also achieve the desired result. However, the above approach is straightfoward in that it doesn't require the turtle to turn right at any stage and, thus, knowing how and when to. The simple animated GIF to the left represents the actual trek generated by the above code. You can download the complete routine "" here and its MD5 checksum here.

Having a single turtle trekking around the checkerboard is just the first step. Our ultimate goal is to have a group of turtles, collectively known apparently as a bale. Accordingly, the above code can be readily extended by converting the variable "$No_Consecutive_Turns" to an array with one element for each turtle. The hash "%Turtle" now becomes "@Bale", an array of hashes. For example, for four turtles placed at each corner, we have

my @Bale = ( { HEADING => 'S', X => 0,            Y => 0            },                  #define turtle at top left corner
             { HEADING => 'E', X => 0,            Y => $No_Rows - 1 },                  #define turtle at bottom left corner
             { HEADING => 'N', X => $No_Cols - 1, Y => $No_Rows - 1 },                  #define turtle at bottom right corner
             { HEADING => 'W', X => $No_Cols - 1, Y => 0            }                   #define turtle at top right corner

The control loop becomes

my @Tracks;                                                                             #array for recording bale's locations
my @No_Consecutive_Turns;                                                               #number of consecutive left turns by turtles
$Tracks[$Bale[$_]{X}][$Bale[$_]{Y}] = 1 for (0..$#Bale);                                #record turtles initial locations
until( &sumArray(@No_Consecutive_Turns) == 4 * @Bale ) {                                #repeat
    for my $turtle ( 0..$#Bale ) {                                                      # repeat for each turtle
        next if $No_Consecutive_Turns[$turtle] == 4;                                    #  skip if turtle has spun around
        if( &noTracksAhead($turtle) and &noBoundaryAhead($turtle) ) {                   #  if next step forward is permitted
            &stepForward($turtle);                                                      #   move forward one step
        } else {                                                                        #  else
            &turnLeft($turtle);                                                         #   turn left
        }                                                                               #  end if-else
    }                                                                                   # until all turtles processed
}                                                                                       #until all turtles have spun around
Note the presence of the additional subroutine "sumArray". As it name suggests, it simply totals the values of all the elements of an array. Thus, the bale's trek comes to an end when the sum of consecutive turns by all the turtles is equal to four times the bale's size.

Similar modifications are also carried out to the various subroutines. For example, "noTracksAhead" now requires a turtle's bale-index value in order to check for its tracks ahead:

sub noTracksAhead {
    my $turtle = shift;
    if   ( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}+1]; }
    elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}-1]; }
    elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}+1][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}]; }
    elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}-1][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}]; }

The animated GIF on the right represents the actual trek generated by the above code. You can download the complete routine "" here and its MD5 checksum here.

There's an important caveat here: the starting locations and headings are critical. Success is guaranteed if the turtles start at opposite corners with the appropriate unique headings. Otherwise, a turtle can become boxed in prematurely or an area of the board unreachable after being fenced in by the turtles' tracks.

In accordance then with this warning, the following recursive approach was adopted for initilizating the locations. Divide a region into quadrants. Place either

if and only if a corner is not already occupied. Repeat for each quadrant until the desired bale size is obtained. To intialize the process, treat the whole image as a single quadrant.

One turtle per quadrant

Two turtles per quadrant

Four turtles per quadrant

The number of turtles one gets therefore for the first five recursion levels are as follows:

    Recursion Depth
    0 1 2 3 4
Number of turtles
per quadrant
1 1 4 16 64 256
2 2 8 32 128 512
4 4 16 64 256 1024

Note that the quadrants will be of equal size if the grid has an even number of rows and columns. Otherwise, they will be assymetric. However these distortions will be inconsequential if the quadrant boundaries are close enough to the true center lines. Hence there's no need for any additional scaling of the original image beyond that of insuring an integral number of tiles. Also note that the above initial positions guarantee that the turtles will not wander off into adjacent quadrants. Finally, even though certain combinations yield the same bale size, the resulting visual effects will be different.

Fusing the above turtle controls then to our "img2photomosaic" filter yields the Perl script, which is displayed below. It is released for personal, non-commercial and non-profit use only. The program generates a sequence of slide images which can then be converted into a video clip by third party applications. Our featured AVI video clip, ugolino_640x480_256.avi, was produced with the free, now a decade old Fast Movie Processor 1.41.

The listing includes the line numbers in order to reference them in the following general remarks:

If you have any questions regarding the code or my explanations, please do not hesitate in contacting me. -- (Download latest version  - MD5 checksum )
001 use strict;
002 use File::Basename;
003 use Image::Magick;
004 #===== Copyright 2008, Webpraxis Consulting Ltd. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Email: ============================
005 # Photo mosaic slide generator.
006 #===============================================================================================================================
007 #            Usage : perl ImageFile TileCollections TileWidth TileHeight
008 #                                                   SlideWidth SlideHeight InitType InitRepeat Verbose
009 #        Arguments : ImageFile       = path of image file to be filtered.
010 #                    TileCollections = CSV string specifying which tiles to use or exclude, via references to their source
011 #                                      collections:
012 #                                      "ALL" to use all the available tiles, or
013 #                                      "+,ImageCollectionName1,ImageCollectionName2,..." to use just the tiles in the subset, or
014 #                                      "-,ImageCollectionName1,ImageCollectionName2,..." to exclude the subset from use.
015 #                    TileWidth       = width of a tile in pixels
016 #                    TileHeight      = height of a tile in pixels
017 #                    SlideWidth      = width of each slide in pixels
018 #                    SlideHeight     = height of each slide in pixels
019 #                    InitType        = number of turtles per quadrant: 1,2 or 4
020 #                    InitRepeat      = recursion depth for partioning the image into quadrants
021 #                    Verbose         = boolean flag for verbose output
022 #      Input Files : See arguments. Also "photomosaic_tiles.dbm", the DBM file of tile information.
023 # Output Directory : Slide subdirectory "frames". Directory will be created if it does not exist.
024 #     Output Files : (a) Mosaic GIF file in the form "basename_wxh_px_tiles.gif" where "basename" denotes the basename of the
025 #                        source image file, "w" the tile width and "h" the tile height,
026 #                    (b) the slide JPEG files, in the form "nnn.jpg" where "nnn" denotes a positive zero-padded integer.
027 #  Temporary Files : None.
028 #          Remarks : (a) Requires PerlMagick. Used module from ImageMagick 6.3.7,
029 #                    (b) Setting both 'SlideWidth' and 'SlideHeight' to zero will suppress any scaling of the slides,
030 #                    (c) The number of turtles, corresponding to the values of 'InitType' and 'InitRepeat', will be as follows:
031 #                                                       InitRepeat
032 #                                        0        1         2        3        4     ....
033 #                                   +---------------------------------------------
034 #                                 1 |    1        4        16        64      256
035 #                        InitType 2 |    2        8        32       128      512
036 #                                 4 |    4        16       64       256     1024
037 #          History : v1.0.0 - March 9, 2008 - Original release.
038 #===============================================================================================================================
039 # 0) INITIALIZE:
040 system( 'cls' ) if $^O =~ /^MSWin/;                                                         #clear screen if running Windows
041 print "$0\n", '=' x length($0), "\n\n";                                                     #display program name
043 my $SourceFile  = shift || die 'ERROR: No image file specified';                            #get path of source image file
044 my $Collections = shift || die 'ERROR: No tile collection references specified';            #get tile collection references
045 my $TileWidth   = shift || die 'ERROR: No tile width specified';                            #get pixel width of a tile
046 my $TileHeight  = shift || die 'ERROR: No tile height specified';                           #get pixel height of a tile
047 my $SlideWidth  = shift;
048 my $SlideHeight = shift;
049 my $InitType    = shift;
050 my $InitRepeat  = shift;
051 my $Verbose     = shift;                                                                    #get boolean flag for verbose mode
052 die "ERROR: Cannot locate image file '$SourceFile'" unless -e $SourceFile;
053 die "ERROR: Also set 'SlideWidth' to zero to suppress scaling"
054  if $SlideHeight == 0 and $SlideWidth;
055 die "ERROR: Also set 'SlideHeight' to zero to suppress scaling"
056  if $SlideWidth == 0 and $SlideHeight;
057 die "ERROR: Invalid value for 'InitType'" unless
058  ( $InitType == 1 ) or ( $InitType == 2 ) or ( $InitType == 4 );
059 die "ERROR: Invalid value for 'InitRepeat'" if $InitRepeat < 0;
061 fileparse_set_fstype('');                                                                   #force Unix syntax
062 my ( $basename,                                                                             #extract basename &
063      $path                                                                                  #extract path
064    )            = fileparse( $SourceFile, '\..*' );                                         # of source image file
065 my $MosaicFile  = "$path${basename}_${TileWidth}x${TileHeight}_px_tiles.jpg";               #compose filename of mosaic image
067 my $NoSlides;                                                                               #slide count
068 my $FrameDir    = 'frames';                                                                 #frame subdirectory
069 die "ERROR: Cannot create directory '$FrameDir': $!"
070  unless ( -d $FrameDir ) or ( mkdir $FrameDir, 0600 );
072 my $Tile        = Image::Magick->new( magick=>"GIF" );                                      #instantiate an image object for a tile
073 my $TileDir     = "tiles_${TileWidth}x${TileHeight}_px";                                    #tile subdirectory
074 my $TileDBM     = "$TileDir/photomosaic_tiles.dbm";                                         #DBM filepath for tile info
076 my %TileRGB;                                                                                #hash of tile rgb values
077 {                                                                                           #start naked block
078     my %tileInfo;                                                                           # DBM hash
079     my ($collOption) = $Collections =~ /^(ALL|\+|\-)/;                                      # collections processing option
080     die "ERROR: Cannot recognize collection option '$collOption' in '$Collections'"
081      unless $collOption;
082     my $collName;                                                                           # name of a tile's associated image collection
083     my $key;                                                                                # DBM hash key
084     my $value;                                                                              # DBM hash value
085     my @rgb;                                                                                # array of rgb values for a tile
086     dbmopen( %tileInfo, $TileDBM, undef )                                                   # open the DBM file of tile info
087      or die "ERROR: No tiles available of the specified width and height.";
088     while( ( $key, $value ) = each %tileInfo ) {                                            # repeat for each tile record
089         ( $collName, @rgb ) = split /,/, $value;                                            #  parse collection name & rgb values
090         push @{$TileRGB{$key}}, @rgb                                                        #  retain this tile
091          if ( $collOption eq 'ALL' ) or                                                     #   if inclusion of all tiles requested, or
092             ( $collOption eq '+' and $Collections =~ /\Q$collName\E,*/ ) or                 #   if use only some collections, or
093             ( $collOption eq '-' and $Collections !~ /\Q$collName\E,*/ );                   #   if not excluded
094     }                                                                                       # until all tile records processed
095     dbmclose %tileInfo;                                                                     # close the DBM file
096     undef %tileInfo;                                                                        # discard DBM hash
097 }                                                                                           #end naked block
098 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 my $source          = Image::Magick->new;                                                   #instantiate an image object for the source
101 my ( $SourceWidth,                                                                          #get width &
102      $SourceHeight                                                                          #get height
103    )                = ( $source->Ping( $SourceFile ) )[0,1];                                #of source
104 undef $source;                                                                              #destroy the image object for the source
106 my $No_Tile_Cols    = $SourceWidth / $TileWidth;                                            #compute raw number of tile columns
107    $No_Tile_Cols    = int( ++$No_Tile_Cols )                                                #adjust to an integral number
108                        unless $No_Tile_Cols == int( $No_Tile_Cols );                        # if necessary
109 my $No_Tile_Rows    = $SourceHeight / $TileHeight;                                          #compute raw number of tile rows
110    $No_Tile_Rows    = int( ++$No_Tile_Rows )                                                #adjust to an integral number
111                        unless $No_Tile_Rows == int( $No_Tile_Rows );                        # if necessary
113 my $MosaicWidth     = $No_Tile_Cols * $TileWidth;                                           #compute pixel width of mosaic image
114 my $MosaicHeight    = $No_Tile_Rows * $TileHeight;                                          #compute pixel height of mosaic image
115 my $Mosaic          = Image::Magick->new( magick=>"JPG" );                                  #instantiate an image object for the mosaic
116    $Mosaic->Read( $SourceFile );                                                            #init mosaic with source image file
117    $Mosaic->Quantize( colorspace=>'RGB' );                                                  #insure correct colorspace
118    $Mosaic->Scale( geometry=>"${MosaicWidth}x${MosaicHeight}!" );                           #scale mosaic image
120 print "Source Image:   $SourceFile\n",                                                      #echo initialization results
121       "  Width:        $SourceWidth px\n",
122       "  Height:       $SourceHeight px\n",
123       "Mosaic Image:   $MosaicFile\n",
124       "  Width:        $MosaicWidth px\n",
125       "  Height:       $MosaicHeight px\n",
126       "Mosaic Details: ", $No_Tile_Cols * $No_Tile_Rows, " tiles\n",
127       "  No. of rows:  $No_Tile_Rows\n",
128       "  No. of cols:  $No_Tile_Cols\n",
129       "  Tile width:   $TileWidth px\n",
130       "  Tile height:  $TileHeight px\n";
131 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 my @Bale;                                                                                   #array of hashes for the turtle headings & coordinates
134 my @Tracks;                                                                                 #array for recording bale's prior locations
135 {                                                                                           #start naked block
136     my $no_turtles;                                                                         # number of turtles
137     $no_turtles = 4**$InitRepeat     if $InitType == 1;                                     # compute number of turtles according to initialization type
138     $no_turtles = 2*4**$InitRepeat   if $InitType == 2;
139     $no_turtles = 4**($InitRepeat+1) if $InitType == 4;
141     print "Bale Details:   $no_turtles turtles\n",
142           "  Init Type:    $InitType turtle(s) per quadrant\n",
143           "  Init Repeat:  $InitRepeat\n\n";
144     die "ERROR: Bale size exceeds number of tiles"
145      if $no_turtles > $No_Tile_Cols * $No_Tile_Rows;
146 }
147 &initBale( 0, 0, $No_Tile_Cols - 1, $No_Tile_Rows - 1, $InitRepeat );                       # init all turtles
148 print( "Pause. Press the ENTER key to continue..." ), <STDIN> if $Verbose;
149 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 my $Snapshot            = Image::Magick->new( magick=>"JPG" );                              #instantiate an image object for the mosaic
152 my $SnapshotIdx         = 0;                                                                #snapshot index
153 my $SnapshotIdxWidth    = length( $No_Tile_Cols * $No_Tile_Rows );                          #set width of slide basenames
154 my @No_Consecutive_Turns;                                                                   #array for number of consecutive left turns by each turtle
156 &outputSnapshot();                                                                          #output source image as first slide
157 &overlayTile($_) for ( 0..$#Bale );                                                         #overlay first tiles before putting bale in motion
158 &outputSnapshot();                                                                          #output resulting slide
160 until( &sumArray(@No_Consecutive_Turns) == 4 * @Bale ) {                                    #repeat
161     for my $turtle ( 0..$#Bale ) {                                                          # repeat for each turtle
162         next if $No_Consecutive_Turns[$turtle] == 4;                                        #  skip if turtle has spun around
163         if( &noTracksAhead($turtle) and &noBoundaryAhead($turtle) ) {                       #  if next step forward is permitted
164             &stepForward($turtle);                                                          #   move forward one step
165             &overlayTile($turtle);                                                          #   overlay tile at location
166         } else {                                                                            #  else
167             &turnLeft($turtle);                                                             #   turn left
168         }                                                                                   #  end if-else
169     }                                                                                       # until all turtles processed
170     &outputSnapshot();                                                                      # output resulting slide
171 }                                                                                           #until all turtles have spun around
172 $Mosaic->Write( filename => $MosaicFile );                                                  #save the mosaic to file
173 print "\a\nNumber of slides: $NoSlides\n\nDone!\n";                                         #report end of processing
174 exit;                                                                                       #end processing
175 #===== SUBROUTINES =============================================================================================================
176 #     Usage : &bestTileMatch( $RED, $GREEN, $BLUE );
177 #   Purpose : Matches a tile to the mean RGB channel values of an image area.
178 # Arguments : $RED   = mean 8-bit red color
179 #             $GREEN = mean 8-bit green color
180 #             $BLUE  = mean 8-bit blue color
181 # Externals : $TileRGB, $Verbose
182 #      Subs : None.
183 #   Remarks : None.
184 #   History : v1.0.0 - January 23, 2008 - Original release.
186 sub bestTileMatch {                                                                         #begin sub
187     my ( $red, $green, $blue )  = @_;                                                       # parametrize the arguments
188     my $bestTile;                                                                           # name of tile that best matches mean color
189     my $deltaRed;                                                                           # difference in red color values
190     my $deltaGreen;                                                                         # difference in green color values
191     my $deltaBlue;                                                                          # difference in blue color values
192     my $key;                                                                                # hash key = tile name
193     my $value;                                                                              # hash value = array of channel color intensities
194     my $metric;                                                                             # squared Euclidean metric of intensities
195     my $minMetric               = 65536 * 65536;                                            # minimum value of the metric
197     while( ( $key, $value ) = each %TileRGB ) {                                             # repeat for each possible tile
198         $deltaRed   = $red   - @{$value}[0];                                                #  compute difference in red colors
199         $deltaGreen = $green - @{$value}[1];                                                #  compute difference in green colors
200         $deltaBlue  = $blue  - @{$value}[2];                                                #  compute difference in blue colors
201         $metric     = $deltaRed   * $deltaRed   +                                           #  compute metric
202                       $deltaGreen * $deltaGreen +
203                       $deltaBlue  * $deltaBlue;
204         $minMetric  = $metric, $bestTile = $key if $metric < $minMetric;                    #  update minimum metric & possible best tile
205     }                                                                                       # until all tiles processed
206     print "=> $bestTile\n" if $Verbose;                                                     # report if requested
207     return $bestTile;                                                                       # return best matching tile name
208 }                                                                                           #end sub bestTileMatch
209 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 #     Usage : &meanColor( @COLORS );
211 #   Purpose : Computes the mean 8-bit channel color.
212 # Arguments : @COLORS = list of normalized channel intensities to be averaged.
213 # Externals : $Verbose
214 #      Subs : None.
215 #   Remarks : None.
216 #   History : v1.0.0 - January 23, 2008 - Original release.
218 sub meanColor {                                                                             #begin sub
219     my $mean;                                                                               # mean 8-bit color value
221     $mean += $_ for @_;                                                                     # sum all the normalized color values
222     $mean  = 256 * $mean / scalar @_;                                                       # compute the mean 8-bit value
223     printf "%5.1f ", $mean if $Verbose;                                                     # report if requested
224     return $mean;                                                                           # return the mean
225 }                                                                                           #end sub meanColor
226 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 #     Usage : &overlayTile( TURTLE );
228 #   Purpose : Overlays the region corresponding to a turtle's location with the best matching photomosaic tile.
229 # Arguments : TURTLE = turtle's array index for @Bale.
230 # Externals : $Tile, $TileDir, $TileHeight, $TileWidth, $Verbose, @Bale
231 #      Subs : &bestTileMatch, &meanColor.
232 #   Remarks : None.
233 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 9, 2008 - Original release.
235 sub overlayTile {                                                                           #begin sub
236     my $turtle          = shift;                                                            # turtle index
237     my $x_top_left      = $Bale[$turtle]{X} * $TileWidth;                                   # image x-coordinate of a tile's top-left corner
238     my $y_top_left      = $Bale[$turtle]{Y} * $TileHeight;                                  # image y-coordinate of a tile's top-left corner
239     my $x_bottom_right  = $x_top_left + $TileWidth  - 1 ;                                   # image x-coordinate of a tile's bottom-right corner
240     my $y_bottom_right  = $y_top_left + $TileHeight - 1 ;                                   # image y-coordinate of a tile's bottom-right corner
241     my $best_tile;                                                                          # name of best matching tile
242     my $geometry;                                                                           # geometry of a tile: width, height & x,y offsets
244     print "  overlayTile: $x_top_left,$y_top_left-$x_bottom_right,$y_bottom_right: "        # report progress if requested
245      if $Verbose;
247     $geometry       = "${TileWidth}x${TileHeight}+$x_top_left+$y_top_left";                 # define tile geometry
248     $best_tile      = &bestTileMatch (                                                      # match mean image-area colors to a tile
249                             &meanColor (                                                    #  compute mean red color
250                                 $Mosaic->GetPixels (                                        #   get normalized red intensities of all pixels
251                                     map         => 'r',
252                                     geometry    => $geometry,
253                                     normalize   => 'true'
254                                 )
255                             ),
256                             &meanColor (                                                    #  compute mean green color
257                                 $Mosaic->GetPixels (                                        #   get normalized green intensities of all pixels
258                                     map         => 'g',
259                                     geometry    => $geometry,
260                                     normalize   => 'true'
261                                 )
262                             ),
263                             &meanColor (                                                    #  compute mean blue color
264                                 $Mosaic->GetPixels (                                        #   get normalized blue intensities of all pixels
265                                     map         => 'b',
266                                     geometry    => $geometry,
267                                     normalize   => 'true'
268                                 )
269                             )
270                       );
271     @$Tile          = ();                                                                   # reset tile object
272     $Tile->Read( "$TileDir/$best_tile" );                                                   # init tile with its image file
273     $Mosaic->Composite(                                                                     # overlay image subregion with tile
274                 image       => $Tile,
275                 compose     => 'Over',
276                 geometry    => $geometry
277              );
278 }                                                                                           #end sub overlayTile
279 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 #     Usage : &noTracksAhead( TURTLE );
281 #   Purpose : Returns true if the next grid location ahead has not been visited. Otherwise, returns false.
282 # Arguments : TURTLE = turtle's array index for @Bale.
283 # Externals : @Bale, @Tracks
284 #      Subs : None.
285 #   Remarks : None.
286 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 3, 2008 - Original release.
288 sub noTracksAhead {                                                                         #begin sub
289     my $turtle = shift;
291     if   ( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}+1]; }
292     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}-1]; }
293     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}+1][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}]; }
294     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { return !$Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}-1][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}]; }
295 }                                                                                           #end sub noTracksAhead
296 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 #     Usage : &noBoundaryAhead( TURTLE );
298 #   Purpose : Returns true if the next grid location ahead is beyond a boundary. Otherwise, returns false.
299 # Arguments : TURTLE = turtle's array index for @Bale.
300 # Externals : @Bale, @Tracks
301 #      Subs : None.
302 #   Remarks : None.
303 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 3, 2008 - Original release.
305 sub noBoundaryAhead {                                                                       #begin sub
306     my $turtle = shift;
308     if   ( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { return $Bale[$turtle]{Y} + 1 <  $No_Tile_Rows; }
309     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { return $Bale[$turtle]{Y} - 1 >= 0;             }
310     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { return $Bale[$turtle]{X} + 1 <  $No_Tile_Cols; }
311     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { return $Bale[$turtle]{X} - 1 >= 0;             }
312 }                                                                                           #end sub noBoundaryAhead
313 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 #     Usage : &stepForward( TURTLE );
315 #   Purpose : Repositions a turtle to an adjacent grid location in accordance with its heading.
316 # Arguments : TURTLE = turtle's array index for @Bale.
317 # Externals : $Verbose, @Bale, @No_Consecutive_Turns
318 #      Subs : None.
319 #   Remarks : None.
320 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 3, 2008 - Original release.
322 sub stepForward {                                                                           #begin sub
323     my $turtle = shift;
325     if   ( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'S' ) { ++$Bale[$turtle]{Y}; }
326     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'N' ) { --$Bale[$turtle]{Y}; }
327     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'E' ) { ++$Bale[$turtle]{X}; }
328     elsif( $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} eq 'W' ) { --$Bale[$turtle]{X}; }
329     $Tracks[$Bale[$turtle]{X}][$Bale[$turtle]{Y}]   = 1;                                    # update bale's accessed locations
330     $No_Consecutive_Turns[$turtle]                  = 0;                                    # reset turtle's turn count
331     print "stepForward: Turtle #$turtle - $Bale[$turtle]{X}, $Bale[$turtle]{Y}\n"           # report new location if requested
332      if $Verbose;
333 }                                                                                           #end sub stepForward
334 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 #     Usage : &turnLeft( TURTLE );
336 #   Purpose : Changes a turtle's heading in accordance with a left turn.
337 # Arguments : TURTLE = turtle's array index for @Bale.
338 # Externals : $Verbose, @Bale, @No_Consecutive_Turns
339 #      Subs : None.
340 #   Remarks : None.
341 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 3, 2008 - Original release.
343 sub turnLeft {                                                                              #begin sub
344     my $turtle = shift;
346     $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING} =~ tr/NSEW/WENS/;                                               # change heading to the left
347     ++$No_Consecutive_Turns[$turtle];                                                       # update turtle's turn count
348     print "turnLeft: Turtle #$turtle - $Bale[$turtle]{HEADING}\n"                           # report new heading if requested
349      if $Verbose;
350 }                                                                                           #end sub turnLeft
351 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 #     Usage : &sumArray( ARRAY );
353 #   Purpose : Returns the sum of the elements of the specified array .
354 # Arguments : ARRAY = array to be summed
355 # Externals : None.
356 #      Subs : None.
357 #   Remarks : None.
358 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 3, 2008 - Original release.
360 sub sumArray {                                                                              #begin sub
361     my $sum;
363     $sum += $_ for @_;
364     return $sum;
365 }                                                                                           #end sub sumArray
366 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 #     Usage : &outputSnapshot();
368 #   Purpose : Outputs a scaled snapshot of the photomosaic to file.
369 # Arguments : None.
370 # Externals : $FrameDir, $NoSlides, $SlideHeight, $SlideWidth, $Snapshot, $SnapshotIdx, $SnapshotIdxWidth
371 #      Subs : None.
372 #   Remarks : None.
373 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 9, 2008 - Original release.
375 sub outputSnapshot {                                                                        #begin sub
376     my $snapshotFile    = "$FrameDir/" .                                                    # compose file name
377                           sprintf( "%${SnapshotIdxWidth}.${SnapshotIdxWidth}d", ++$SnapshotIdx ) .
378                           '.jpg';
379     @$Snapshot          = ();                                                               # reset snapshot object
380     $Snapshot           = $Mosaic->Clone();                                                 # init snapshot to full mosaic image
381     $Snapshot->Scale( geometry => "${SlideWidth}x${SlideHeight}!" );                        # scale snapshot image
382     $Snapshot->Write( filename => $snapshotFile );                                          # save snapshot to file
383     ++$NoSlides;                                                                            # increment slide count
384 }                                                                                           #end sub outputSnapshot
385 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 #   Purpose : Recursively assigns initial grid locations and headings to all the turtles on a per quadrant basis.
388 # Arguments : X_TOP_LEFT      = grid x-coordinate of top-left corner
389 #             X_TOP_LEFT      = grid y-coordinate of top-left corner
390 #             X_BOTTOM_RIGHT  = grid x-coordinate of bottom-right corner
391 #             Y_BOTTOM_RIGHT  = grid y-coordinate of bottom-right corner
392 #             RECURSION_COUNT = counter for the recursion depth
393 # Externals : $InitType, @Bale, @Tracks
394 #      Subs : None.
395 #   Remarks : None.
396 #   History : v1.0.0 - March 4, 2008 - Original release.
398 sub initBale {                                                                              #begin sub
399     my $x_top_left      = shift;                                                            # grid x-coordinate of top-left corner
400     my $y_top_left      = shift;                                                            # grid y-coordinate of top-left corner
401     my $x_bottom_right  = shift;                                                            # grid x-coordinate of bottom-right corner
402     my $y_bottom_right  = shift;                                                            # grid y-coordinate of bottom-right corner
403     my $recursionCount  = shift;                                                            # recursion counter
405     {                                                                                       # start naked block
406         unless( $Tracks[$x_top_left][$y_top_left] ) {                                       #  if top-left corner vacant
407             push @Bale, { HEADING => 'S', X => $x_top_left, Y => $y_top_left };             #   define turtle at corner
408             $Tracks[$x_top_left][$y_top_left] = 1;                                          #   record turtle location
409         }                                                                                   #  end if
410         last if $InitType == 1;                                                             #  check if only one turtle to be defined
411         unless( $Tracks[$x_bottom_right][$y_bottom_right] ) {                               #  if bottom-right corner vacant
412             push @Bale, { HEADING => 'N', X => $x_bottom_right, Y => $y_bottom_right };     #   define turtle at corner
413             $Tracks[$x_bottom_right][$y_bottom_right] = 1;                                  #   record turtle location
414         }                                                                                   #  end if
415         last if $InitType == 2;                                                             #  check if only two turtles to be defined
416         unless( $Tracks[$x_top_left][$y_bottom_right] ) {                                   #  if bottom-left corner vacant
417             push @Bale, { HEADING => 'E', X => $x_top_left, Y => $y_bottom_right };         #   define turtle at corner
418             $Tracks[$x_top_left][$y_bottom_right] = 1;                                      #   record turtle location
419         }                                                                                   #  end if
420         unless( $Tracks[$x_bottom_right][$y_top_left] ) {                                   #  if top-right corner vacant
421             push @Bale, { HEADING => 'W', X => $x_bottom_right, Y => $y_top_left };         #   define turtle at corner
422             $Tracks[$x_bottom_right][$y_top_left] = 1;                                      #   record turtle location
423         }                                                                                   #  end if
424     }                                                                                       # end naked block
425     if( $recursionCount ) {                                                                 # if recursion in effect
426         my $x_center = $x_top_left + int( 0.5 * ( $x_bottom_right - $x_top_left ) );        #  x-coordinate at 'center'
427         my $y_center = $y_top_left + int( 0.5 * ( $y_bottom_right - $y_top_left ) );        #  y-coordinate at 'center'
428         &initBale( $x_top_left, $y_top_left, $x_center,       $y_center,       $recursionCount-1 ); #  init top-left quadrant
429         &initBale( $x_top_left, $y_center+1, $x_center,       $y_bottom_right, $recursionCount-1 ); #  init bottom-left  quadrant
430         &initBale( $x_center+1, $y_top_left, $x_bottom_right, $y_center,       $recursionCount-1 ); #  init top-right quadrant
431         &initBale( $x_center+1, $y_center+1, $x_bottom_right, $y_bottom_right, $recursionCount-1 ); #  init bottom-right quadrant
432     }                                                                                       # end if
433 }                                                                                           #end sub initBale
434 #===== Copyright 2008, Webpraxis Consulting Ltd. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Email: ============================
435 # end of

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